大连医科大学附属第二医院儿科是集临床、教学及科研为一体的综合性学科,在大连市颇有影响力、并享有良好声誉的学科。本学科现有医生14人,其中正教授2人,副教授7人,主治医师1人,住院医师4人,50%以上医生获硕士或博士学位。学科设门诊、急诊及病房,现开放床位数30张,年住院人数1200余人,年门急诊量达5万人次。 病房以收治各种疑难危重患儿为特色,如:小儿肾脏疾病、小儿血液疾病、小儿内分泌疾病、小儿急救及新生儿疾病。率先在市内开展小儿肾活检、小儿血液透析,从而明显提高了我市儿童肾脏疾病的诊治水平;并开展了生长激素激发实验、促性腺激素释放试验等下丘脑-垂体功能检查,以及侏儒症和儿童性早熟的治疗。 门诊除诊治小儿肺炎、肠炎等常见感染性疾病的外,还适应儿科疾病谱的转换,与国际接轨,重视儿童保健工作及儿童疾病的预防,开展特色门诊,如:早期脑瘫康复、儿童智力及生长发育评估、儿童心理疾病及儿童肥胖症的诊治等儿童保健工作。 近几年来本学科在科研上开展了大量的工作,尤其在儿童肥胖、新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病、早产儿喂养、白血病治疗及儿童心理疾病等方面的研究处于国内先进水平。共获立项科研课题10余项,其中国家自然基金2项,主持完成的科研成果获省科技进步奖2项,市科技进步奖1项,在国际及国家级杂志发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录3篇。主编及参编卫生部规划《儿科学》教材5部。近年来共培养硕士研究生50人,为大连市儿童医院、沈阳市儿童医院等儿科培养临床技术骨干及科技人才。
Pediatrics introduction The Pediatrics Department of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University is multidisciplinary, it is dedicated to providing the pediatric clinic, education and research. Our department has a good influence and reputation in Dalian. There are 14 doctors in the department at present, including 2 professors, 7 associate professors, 1 attending physician, 4 residents. More than half of them have master's degree or doctorate. Our department include out-patient department, emergency department and in-patient wards, with 30 beds. About 1200 children are hospitalized in our department every year. There are more than 50,000 children attended our out-patient department and emergency department annually. The feature of our in-patient department is to diagnose and treat the children suffering from many kinds of difficult and critical illnesses, such as kidney diseases, blood diseases, endocrine diseases, pediatric emergency and neonatal diseases. We carry out pediatric kidney biopsy and hemodialysis firstly in Dalian. It elevates the diagnosis and treatment of children kidney diseases remarkably. Our department also carries out some tests about the function of the hypothalamus- pituitary axis, such as growth hormone excitation tests and GnRH stimulation test. Our can also treat the dwarfishness and sexual precocity in children. Our out-patient department can not only treat common infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, enteritis and so on, also carry out child health care and diseases prevention. such as rehabilitation therapy for initial cerebral palsy, child intelligence, growth and development assessment, psychological illnesses and child obesity treatment. In research respect, we have already done much research work for child obesity, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, preterm infant feeding, child leukemia treatment and psychological illnesses,etc. We have more than 10 research subjects supported by national and provincial fund, including 2 subjects supported by National Natural Science Foundation. There are 2 subjects gained Liaoning provincial Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, and 1 subject gained Dalian Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. More than 100 papers are published in international and national scientific journals, including 3 papers extracted by SCI. We have edited or cooperated on editing five textbooks of pediatrics that planed by the Ministry of Public Health. In recent years, 50 Postgraduates have obtained Master Degree of pediatrics from our department. Most of them work in Children's Hospital of Dalian, Children's Hospital of Shenyang and other hospital at present ,and show outstanding performance in the clinical work and scientific research.
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