我院介入科于1988年开展介入治疗,是省内最早开展介入治疗的单位之一,率先成立具有独立病房的综合性介入治疗中心。介入科下设门诊、病房和 DSA 导管室。病房拥有20张普通病床、2间特需病房及1间重症监护病房。科室现有医师 6 人,其中教授1名,副教授1名,医师4名。护士13人。其中主管护师3人,技师2人,其中主管技师1人。近年来,全科人员在各级医学杂志上发表专业论文 20余篇,开展新业务、新技术10余项。 近几年来,我科在全身血管疾病、恶性肿瘤及部分良性肿瘤、肝硬化、梗阻性黄疸、布-加氏综合症等疾患介入治疗方面有显著特色。介入治疗肝癌患者20000余例,胰腺癌700余例,肺癌600余例,肝硬化患者900余例,肝血管瘤600余例、梗阻性黄疸400余例。并成功开展肾动脉狭窄或闭塞、颈动脉狭窄或闭塞、锁骨下动脉狭窄或闭塞、椎动脉狭窄或闭塞、颅内动脉狭窄或闭塞、髂动脉和下肢动脉狭窄、气管狭窄、静脉血栓及肺梗塞、、颅内动脉瘤、布-加氏综合症等疾病的诊断及治疗,并获得较好疗效。 介入治疗中心全体医护人员将以饱满的工作热情,精湛的服务技术,温馨的住院环境,欢迎患者及家属光临和咨询。 介入科目前开展的介入项目如下: 血管疾病(糖尿病足、动静脉血栓、血管畸形、动静脉瘘、动脉瘤等) 脑血管动静脉畸形,颅内动脉瘤,出血等的血管造影诊断及栓塞治疗; 颅内、外动脉狭窄的内支架治疗;; 髂股动脉狭窄引起的下肢缺血疼痛、跛行等; 肾动脉狭窄引起的高血压和肾功能不全; 锁骨下动脉、颈动脉、椎动脉或颅内动脉狭窄引起的脑供血不足; 下肢大静脉堵塞(下肢深静脉血栓)引起肢体肿胀; 急性肺动脉栓塞引起呼吸困难、甚至呼吸衰竭; 静脉狭窄或闭塞如上下腔静脉狭窄或布-加综合征引起头颅、四肢水肿和/或肝大腹水等。 恶性肿瘤 肝癌、肺癌、胰腺癌、食道癌、肾癌、结肠癌、胃癌、妇科肿瘤等。 良性肿瘤 子宫肌瘤(子宫腺肌症)、肝血管瘤、肾上腺肿瘤。 各种腔道狭窄 肿瘤或其它原因致气管狭窄、呼吸困难; 肿瘤或其它原因致食道、肠管及胃狭窄,造成吞咽困难和呕吐; 各种原因造成胆道狭窄、阻塞性黄疸等; 肝硬化 肝硬化、门脉高压引起的消化道出血、大量腹水与脾脏功能亢进等。 各种出血 支气管扩张或肿瘤引起的咯血,消化道出血,鼻出血,盆腔出血,肝脾肾破裂出血等。 其它病变 椎间盘突出症; 肝、肾、甲状腺与卵巢囊肿等。 介入科 联系电话 0411-84671291转4431(护师办);4432(医生办); 4433(主任办)。 地址 大连市沙河口区中山路467号。
The intervention treatment was carried out in our hospital in 1988,and an independent unit of comprehensive treatment centers to intervene was set up firstly.Our hospital is one of the units which carried out the intervention treatment earliest in province. Branches out from the intervention unit includs outpatient department,ward,and catheter room. The ward has 20 general beds, 2 to be special wards and an intensive care unit.There are 6 doctors in the section, including a professor, an associate professor, 4 physicians. And there are 13 nurses, including an charge nurse; 2 technicians, including an charge technician. In recent years, the general staff at all levels of medical journal articles published more than 20 professional papers, carried more than 10 new business and new technology. In recent years, the intervention center obtains the significant characteristics in the treatment of general vascular diseases, malignant tumors and part of benign tumors, liver cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice, cloth-Chiari syndrome ,and so on. Up to now,the center has treated more than 2,0000 cases of liver cancer, 700 cases of pancreatic cancer, 600 cases of lung cancer, 900 cases of liver cirrhosis, more than 600 cases of liver blood vessels tumor, and more than 400 cases of obstructive jaundice.The intervention center still successfully carried out diagnosis and treatment of a series of artery stenosis or occlusion,and orgen infarction,such as renal artery, carotid artery, the subclavian artery, vertebral artery, intracranial arterial stenosis or occlusion, and the iliac artery and lower extremity artery stenosis, tracheal stenosis, venous thrombosis and pulmonary infarction, and intracranial aneurysm, cloth-Chiari syndrome, and accessed to better effect. All medical and nursing staff involved in the center will offer warm in-patient environment for patients, and welcome them and their family members to visit and consult with enthusiasm of the work and skilled service technology. The items developed in the intervention center are as follows: The diagnosis and embolism treatment of vascular disease (diabetic foot, arterio-venous thrombosis, vascular malformation, arteriovenous fistula, aneurysm, etc.), cerebrovascular arteriovenous malformations, intracranial aneurysms, and intracranial vascular hemorrhage; The Stent treatment of intracranial or extracranial artery stenosis; The treatment of iliofemoral artery stenosis and claudication caused by the pain of lower extremity ischemia; The treatment of renal artery stenosis caused by high blood pressure and renal failure; the cerebral ischemia caused by subclavian artery, carotid artery, vertebral artery, or intracranial arterial stenosis; the swelling of limbs caused by lower extremity large-venous congestion (deep vein thrombosis); the difficult breath and even respiratory failure caused by acute pulmonary embolism; the skull, limbs edema and / or hepatomegaly, and ascites caused by the vein occlusion or stenosis, such as superior and inferior vena cava or narrow cloth - Chiari syndrome; The treatment of malignant tumour (liver cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, gynecological tumors, and so on.),uterine fibroids (adenomyosis), hepatic hemangioma, adrenal gland tumor; The treatment of tracheal stenosis, difficulty in breathing caused by tumor or other reasons; Difficulty swallowing and vomiting caused by esophagus, stomach and intestine narrow induced by tumor or other reasons; Biliary stricture, obstructive jaundice caused by a variety of reasons; gastrointestinal bleeding, ascites, hypersplenism caused by liver cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension; Hemoptysis caused by tumor or bronchiectasis, gastrointestinal bleeding, nose bleeding, pelvic bleeding, liver and spleen and kidney bleeding, and so on. Other diseases:such as intervertebral disc herniation;cysts of liver, kidney, thyroid and ovary, etc. The intervention center: Tel:0411-84671291 to Section 4431 (Nurse); 4432 (a doctor); 4433 (director of the Office). Address:No. 467,Zhongshan Road,Shahekou District of Dalian City.
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