大连医科大学附属二院肿瘤放疗科始建于50年代初,历经50年的发展,至今已发展成为技术良好、设备先进、配套齐全的大连市肿瘤重点专科。 肿瘤放疗科拥有病床43张,职工33人。教授4名,副教授5名,博士学位2人,硕士以上学位占80%。主任技师(物理师)2名。 治疗设备先进齐全,配有世界先进的美国Varian高能电子直线加速器、后装腔内治疗机、日本东芝模拟定位机及三维TPS治疗计划系统等,可完成各种恶性肿瘤及良性病的普通体外与体内放疗、三位适形放疗与X刀治疗,迄今已治疗肿瘤病人近万例。近年来,科室不断地开拓创新,引进新技术,开展3D-CRT新技术,实现了在三维立体方向上对肿瘤的精确放疗技术,更好保护正常组织,加大肿瘤受照剂量,提高肿瘤控制率,减少正常组织放射反应及后遗症的发生。肿瘤治疗效果达国内先进水平,在辽宁省、大连市肿瘤放疗界享有较高的声誉。 肿瘤放疗科在承担医疗的同时重视科研与教学工作,承担多项国家级、省级、市级科研课题,其中国家863子课题1项、国家自然科学基金1项、省科委课题3项、省教委课题5项、市科委课题4项,获中国医科院科技进步三等奖1项,省政府科技进步三等奖1项,大连市政府科技进步三等奖1项。 我们的医护人员深切体验病人及家属之身的痛苦与期待,拥有尊重、同情、真诚关怀病人的博爱情操。“一切以病人为中心”是我们的工作理念。在这里,我们将给予患者精湛的技术、精确的放疗、精心的护理。
Department of Radiation Oncology
The Department of Radiation Oncology (DRO) of the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University was founded in the early 1950s .It has developed to be the important tumor-specialized department of Dalian with strong technical force ,advanced medical equipment and comprehensive allocation. The DRO now has 43 ward beds. The incumbent Chairman of the DRO is prof.Zou Lijuan . The total staff is 33 persons ,of which 80% have master degree,including 2 M.D. Within those with middle and senior professional title,there are 4 professors,5 associate professors and 2 chairmantechnicians (physicists). The department possesses world-class imported radiation therapy equipment,including high energy electron/photon linear accelerator(Varian,America), after-loading equipment,positionierungssimulator(Toshiba,Japan), 3 Dimensional radiotherapeutical Treatment Planning System (3D-TPS) and so on.With these advanced equipment,we treat a full spectrum of benign and malignant tumors through conventional radiotherapy,3D Conformal Radiation Therapy(3D-CRT), brachytherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy(X knife). So far,about 10,000 patients have been treated in the DRO. In the recent years, the DRO has introduced new therapeutic techniques such as 3D-CRT. The modern precise 3D radiotherapies can increase the therapeutical doses to tumors,raise the control rate of tumors, reduce the damage to surrounding normal tissue and decrease the incidence of sequela. We have reached the national level in tumor treatment and have earned an excellent reputation in Dalian and LiaoNing Province. The DRO integrates the scientific research and teaching with clinical treatment.It has acquired a lot of scientific research programs,including 1 branch project of the national 863 program,1 foundation of the national natural science, 3 provincial science committee projects, 5 provincial education committee projects,and 4 municipal science committee projects. The DRO has also won 1 “3rd grade of the scientific technology progression” prize by CAMS(Chinese Acadamy of Medical Science), 1 “3rd grade of the scientific technology progression” prize by the provincial government, 1 “3rd grade of scientific technology progression” prize by the government of Dalian. We profoudly appreciate the suffering of and the expectation from patients and their family members.”The patient is everything” is the soul of the DRO.Patients would receive excellent medical technique, accurate radiotherapy and attentive nursing here.
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