内窥镜室有3套先进的日本Olympus电子内窥镜诊疗系统,包括电子胃镜、电子肠镜、电子十二指肠镜、电子超声胃镜,1套氩气电刀系统(德国ERBE),1套全自动内窥镜清洗机(法国 Solupe),设备配置位于省内前列。科室合理布局,设立专门洗消间,内镜清洗消毒严格规范。开展消化系统检查项目有:常规胃镜、肠镜、十二指肠镜(ERCP)、内镜超声、色素放大内镜、无痛内镜等。消化内镜治疗项目如下:内镜下止血、取异物术、消化道狭窄扩张术、消化道恶性梗阻金属内支架置入、鼻饲管置放术、经皮内镜胃造瘘术(PEG)、息肉摘除术、黏膜切除术(EMR);治疗性ERCP包括十二指肠乳头肌切开术(EST)、鼻胆管引流术(ENBD)、胆道内引流术(ERBD)、胆总管结石碎石取石术和经皮经肝胆道镜术(PTCS)等。同时,结合内镜开展消化系统常见疾病(如胃食管反流病、消化性溃疡、慢性胃炎、功能性消化不良、肠易激综合征、炎症性肠病)药物规范治疗,取得良好疗效。
The endoscopy department has three sets of Olympus electronic video imaging systems, which were assorted with gastroscopes, colonoscopes, duodenoscope and ultrasonic gastroscope. In addition to a set of ERBE APC system and a Solupe automatic cleaning-disinfecting machine for endoscopes, the equipment is predominant in FuJian province. There is a special endoscopic cleaning room to ensure the proceeding may abide by the promulgated criterion. At present, digestive diagnostic items are as follow:gastroscopy, colonoscopy, duodenoscopy, ERCP, endoscopic ultrasonograpy, cholangoscopy, magnified endoscopy, anesthetic endoscopy, etc. And therapeutic items include endoscopic hemostasia, foreign body removal, dilation of stricture, metal stent placement for malignant obstruction, nasoenteral feeding tube insertion, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG), EMR, PTCS, and therapeutic ERCP, which consists of endoscopic sphincteromy(EST), bile intro-drainage or extra-drainage(ENBD or ERBD), endoscopic lithotrity and removal of bile duct stones, etc. Based on endoscopic findings, some familiar digestive diseases(such as GERD, peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases ) have been given standardized treatments with medicine, and the curative effects are satisfied.
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