泌尿外科作为华南地区博士点之一,近5年来学科学术带头人及学术队伍在国内外核心期刊上发表论文200多编,主编专著2本(《泌尿外科手术解剖学》;《男科疾病误诊误治与防范》);获得科研基金60多项;获得科研成果40多项;已毕业博士28名,硕士 23人,在读博士生9名、硕士生15名;每年承担中山大学临床医学系和护理本科生中英文班的理论课、动物实验、临床见习和实习教学;每年招收国内各地医院泌尿外科修生16名;每周定期举办一次或一次以上泌尿外科科新技术、新进展的学术讲座。
DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY, THE FIRST AFFILIATED HOSPITAL, SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Ⅰ.Synopsis: Urology department of the first hospital affiliated of SUN YAT-SEN University of Medical Science is the pivotal unit of Guangdong province "Five-First" project and also the pivotal unit of Zhongshan University. There are 13 doctors in this department, including 5 professors and 3 medical doctor tutors, 3 associate professors and 5 medical master tutors, 4 lecturer or attending doctor, 1 resident, 12 of them have gotten medical doctor’s degree, 1 is receiving the study for medical doctor degree. All the 5 professors and the 3 associate professors have got their medical master degree and under the age of fifty. Each of them have their individual urologic research field, which ensures the constant and self –reliant capacity to nurture amount of high leveled talented doctors of advanced international range. There are also 3 chief nurses, 5 master nurses, 7 nurses, 2 chief engineer and 1 engineer in urology department. Ⅱ.Medical affairs There are 46 beds in urology department. We have established general ward, extracoporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL) room, transrectal ultrasound B examination room, cystoscopic examination room, research room, studio for medical multimedia, clinic of urology, clinic of andrology, et al. There are a lot of advanced medical instruments, such as nocturnal electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment, extracoporeal shock wave lithotripsy, uroflowmeter, transrectal ultrasound B, cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, percutaneous nephroscopy, studio for medical multimedia. Every year there are 25,000 cases in urologic clinic(except professor clinic), 1000 cases of cystoscopy and small operation, 1200cases of general urologic operation, 500 cases of ESWL, 400 cases of urodynamic test, 150 emergency cases. It takes the lead in the field of urinary system tumor, urolithiasis, mini-invasive urological surgery, andrology and renal transplant in China and in Guangdong province, for example: biological and chemical treatment of bladder carcinoma after operation, treatment of small renal carcinoma, treatment of renal carcinoma with vena cava tumor thrombin, post-laparoscopic surgery, retroperitoneal lymph nodes radical resection, improved radical prostatectomy and prosthesis for erectile dysfunction. III. Scientific research Urology department of the first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences is the only medical doctor training center in south China. In the recent five years, doctors have issued more than 200 articles in the national and foreign core periodical journals, attained 60 scientific research found, 40 scientific research prizes, edited 3 works (1.《Urologic Anatomy》,chief editor-Mei hua, 2001, Shandong Science and Technology Press; 2.《Misdiagnosis and Mistherapy of Andrologic Diseases》, chief editor-Qiu shaopeng, Deng chunhua, 2002, Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House; 3.《Analysis of Andrologic Typical Cases》, chief editor-Deng chunhua, Qiu shaopeng, 2003, Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House). 28 medical doctors and 23 masters have graduated, and 9 medical doctors and 15 masters are on the study. Doctors of urology department give theorial lessons and animal surgery lessons to the students of clinical medical department and nursing department, they also give clinical lessons to probationers and interns. More than 15 urologic doctors from all over the country come to our department to take a refresher course every year. Every week we hold one or more lectures on new technique and the newest development of urology .
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