Graduation from Paediatrics College of Tongji Medical University (Wuhan) in 1989, and from Life Science and Technology College of Jinan University for MD & PhD in 2004. Visit to the PICU of Royal Children Hospital (Melbourn) and Children Hospital at Westmead (Sydney) in 2009 as Senior Visiting Scholar. Being the Standing Director of Guangdong Genetics Society of China, Vice Chairman of Guangdong Province Academy of Pediatrics of China, Master Tutor of Guangzhou Medical College & DCH/IPPC Tutor of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead of Sydney University.
专业专长: 儿童重症监护/PICU、小儿呼吸系统疾病/Respiratory disease in Children、临床病毒学(HCMV临床病毒的基因结构与功能)/Clinical Virology(Genetic Structure and Function of HCMV Clinical strains)
科研成果: 科研成果/ Achievements in Research:先后主持了十余项课题,主要有/the Main Projects as Principal researcher: 广东省自然科学基金项目:HCMV临床病毒株UL148基因的功能学研究(项目编号:9151008901000085)/ Study on the Function of HCMV UL148 Gene in Clinical Isolate. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province.(No.: 9151008901000085) & Health Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. (No.: A2009078) 广东省自然科学基金项目:EGS技术研究人类巨细胞病毒低传代临床病毒株UL144基因基本功能(项目编号:06022095)/ Research of Mechanism of HCMV UL144 Gene in Low-passage Clinical Isolate by EGS Technique. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No.: 06022095) & Health Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. (No.: A2006280) 广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目:基于mRNA:EGS靶向抑制HCMV临床病毒株UL148基因功能(项目编号:A2009078)/ Based on mRNA: EGS Technology, Targeting Inhibit HCMV Clinical Strains UL148 Gene. Supported by Health Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. (No.: A 2009078) 在SCI及中华医学会系列期刊公开发表研究论文共33篇,主要有/the Main Publication as the Principal Researcher: Bo Wang, Jing-Jing Hu, Cui-Fang Yan, et al. Human Cytomegalovirus UL145 and UL136 Genes in Clinical Isolates from Infants. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2010(accepted) [SCI IF = 2.961] 王波,李月琴,胡兢晶,等. 广州地区HCMV临床病毒株UL136基因的序列特征及多态性. 中华生物医学工程杂志,2009,06,15(3):203-208./ Wang B, Li YQ, Hu JJ, et al. Nucleotide Sequence Characterization and Biological Significance of HCMV UL136 in Low-passage Clinical Isolates in Guangzhou. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering.2009,15(4):244-249. [Chinese] Wang B, Yang LP, Bartlam M, et al. New Insights into the Structural Characteristics and Functional Relevance of the Human Cytochrome P450 2D6 Enzyme. Drug Metab Rev. 2009, 41(4):573-643. [SCI IF = 5.622] Wang B, Zhou SF. Synthetic and Natural Compounds that Interact with Human Cytochrome P450 1A2 and Implications in Drug Development. Curr Med Chem. 2009; 16(31):4066-4218. [SCI IF =4.823] Wang B, Wang J, Su HH, et al. Genetic Polymorphism of the Human Cytochrome P450 2C9 Gene and its Clinical Significance. Curr Drug Metab. 2009 Sep;10(7):781-834. [SCI IF = 4.326] Zhou SF, Wang B, Yang LP, et al. Structure, Function, Regulation and Polymorphism and the Clinical Significance of Human Cytochrome P450 1A2. Drug Metab Rev 2009 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print] [SCI IF = 5.622] 王波, 李月琴, 胡兢晶,等.临床低传代人巨细胞病毒UL148开放阅读框mRNA的表达与鉴定. 中华医学杂志, 2008, 06,88(24):1693-1696./Wang B, Li YQ, Hu JJ, et al. Identification and Expression of Human Cytomegalovirus UL148 mRNA of Low-passage Clinical Isolates in Guangzhou. Med J China. 2008, 06,88(24):1693-1696.[Chinese] 王波,等.广州地区HCMV临床病毒株UL144 ORF的序列变异研究. 中华神经医学杂志, 2008, 7(5):511-516./Wang B, Li YQ, Su HH, et al. Human Cytomegalovirus UL144 Open Reading Frame: Sequence Variability in Guangzhou Congenital Infected Children, Chin J Neuromed 2008, 7(5):511-516. [Chinese]
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