2000 毕业于 台北医学大学医学系
1999~2000 林口长庚医院 实习医师
2000~2003 林口长庚医院放射肿瘤科 住院医师
2003~2004 林口长庚医院放射肿瘤科 总医师
2004~ 林口长庚医院放射肿瘤科 主治医师
肿瘤分子生物学 参与学会
1。The Radiological Society of the Republic of China。
2。Chinese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology。
3。The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
4。The American Society of Clinical Oncology 发表论文
1。 Chen YC, Chuang CK, Hsieh ML, Chen WC, Fan KH, Yeh CY, Lee CC, Hong JH。 High- dose-rate brachytherapy plus external beam radiotherapy for T1 to T3 prostate cancer: an experience in Taiwan。 Urology。 2007 Jul;70(1):101-5。
2。 Fan KH, Chen YC, Chuang CK, Hsieh ML, Hong JH。 Preliminary treatment results of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer。 Chang Gung Med J。 2006 May-Jun;29(3):313-24。
3。 Chan SC, Ng SH, Chang JT, Lin CY, Chen YC, Chang YC, Hsu CL, Wang HM, Liao CT, Yen TC。 Advantages and pitfalls of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography in detecting locally residual or recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging。 Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging。 2006 Sep;33(9):1032-40。
4。 Chen YC , Tsang NM, Chang FT , Hong JH: Treatment outcomes for epidermoid carcinoma of the anal canal in a single institution。 Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2005 Mar; 12(1):17-25。
1。 Posters:
(1) Yen-Chao Chen, Sheng-Chieh Chan, I-Lin Kuo, Shu-Hang Ng, Simon G。 Tang MD , Joseph T。 Chang: The Possible Role of GTV derived by PET-Fusion in IMRT Treatment Planning for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma。 UICC NPC workshop 2003 at HK
(2) Eric Yen-Chao Chen, Morgan Fu-Ti Chang, Chen-Yu Lin, Chun-Ta Liao, Hung-Ming Wang, Joseph Tung-Chieh Chang: The Treatment Results of Hypopharyngeal Cancer in a single institute in Taiwan。 ECCO13, 2005 Paris。
2。 Oral presentations:
(1) The Preliminary Results of High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy plus External Beam Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer; The annual meeting of The Radiological Society of the Republic of China; March 2003 at Taichung VGMH, Taiwan。
(2) The preliminary experience of using PET-Derived GTV in IMRT Treatment Planning for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, The annual meeting of The Radiological Society of the Republic of China; March 2004 at Taipei Tri-service General Hospital, Taiwan。
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