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微创技术及泌尿系肿瘤的基础和临床研究是我院泌尿外科的两大专科特色。 我科近十年来重点发展泌尿系统微创检查和治疗技术,开展了经尿道前列腺电切术、经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术、输尿管镜碎石技术等,并已经成为我科工作中的常规手术,完全达到了国内的一流水平。近年来进一步开展腹腔镜的各类手术,包括肾癌根治术、肾囊肿去顶减压术、肾上腺手术、输尿管切开取石术、肾部分切除术、肾输尿管全长切除术等,几乎包括了所有的上尿路手术;对于复杂肾结石,开展了国内外首选的经皮肾镜技术,取得了良好的手术效果,在东三省的腹腔镜和肾镜治疗泌尿外科疾病中处于领先水平。 近年来,在膀胱癌、前列腺癌的发病机理、早期诊断和综合治疗方面开展了大量的基础研究工作,并承担着多项省、市级科研项目,在临床研究方面,在省内率先开展了膀胱切除后肠道代膀胱的系列研究,并获得多项省、市科技进步奖,肠道代膀胱的粘液抑制机制的研究也已取得阶段性成果。
我科是大连医科大学博士、硕士学位培养点,已培养了数十名硕士和七名博士研究生,每年招收进修医生为基层医院培养了大批的技术骨干。 自1998年起,我院每年举办一期国家级医学继续教育项目:腔内泌尿外科治疗前列腺疾病和泌尿系肿瘤学习班,培训了来自全国各地的学员上百名,受到了同行们的赞誉。 近十年来,我科多名医生到国外及国内知名大医院研修、学习,并与其建立了长期学术合作、交流关系,推动了科室水平的跳跃式发展。
Introduction of Urological Surgery Department in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University.
1. History Urological Surgery Department in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University was established in 1954 by Professor Huang Hanxing who is the well-known expert in urological surgery. In 1958, the department moved south to Zun Yi with Dalian Medical College. At that time, Urological Surgery Department mastered the techniques of domestic advanced level, such as the research and therapy in calculi, the transplantation of testicle, the repair of bladder exstrophy function and the taxis of pudendum. In 1983, Professor Ye Chengtong led all the doctors into the reestablishment of Urological Surgery Department in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. With the hard working of the experts of older generation like Professor Liu Yongji and Professor Li Yintian, Urological Surgery Department still maintained its technical advancement and academic influence in Liaoning Province. In 1992, we developed minimally invasive surgery through urethral cavity. In 1994, laparoscopic surgery was developed here. In 1997, we developed kidney transplantion surgery. In 1998, a variety of surgeries under ureteroscope were undertaken. In 1999, Professor Fan Zhilu, as the academic leader, led us to energetically develop minimally invasive surgery of Urological Surgery as well as maintaining the advantages of the traditional open surgery and a number of therapy projects has reached the domestic advanced level. In 1994, Urological Surgery Department was authorized to grant master’s degree and in 2001, were authorized to grant doctor degree of urological surgery combined Chinese traditional and Western medicine. At present, there are 11 staffs in the department including 6 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 attending doctor and 2 residents. Among the doctors, there are 1 Ph.D. supervisor, 4 M.S. supervisors. Besides, 3 of us possess doctor’s degree, 4 possess master’s degree and the rest bachelor’s degree. The annual outpatient amount of the department is about 15,000 people and annual operative amount is 1,000 with 70% large and medium-sized surgeries. We possess special facilities like laparoscopy, kinds of prostate resectoscope, cystoscopy, ureteroscope, nephroscope , trajectory lithotripter, andriatry inspection instrument and urinary flow rate inspection instrument, etc. With the hard work for generations, Urological Surgery Department in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has taken teaching, research and medical treatment as a whole and become a key discipline with enormous potentiality in Dalian.
2. Specialty Characteristics Minimally invasive technique and the basis and clinic research of urinary tumor are the two specialty characteristics. In recent decade, we focused on microinvasive detection and treatment technique of urinary system and developed TURP, TUR-BT and ureteroscope lithotripsy technique, etc. These have been common surgeries in our department and reached the domestic advanced level. Recently, we further developed all kinds of surgeries with laparoscopy, such as radical nephrectomy, renal cyst windowing decompression, adrenal surgeries, ureter incision to take stone, partial nephrectomy, and whole ureteronephrectomy. All the upper urinary operations are involved. For the complex kidney calculi, we undertook percutaneous nephrectomy which has been considered the first choice method at home and abroad and obtained perfect results. For the treatment of urologic diseases by Laparoscopy and nephroscope, we stand at the advanced level in the three northeast provinces. Recently, we developed massive basic research on the pathogenesis, early diagnosis and combined therapy of bladder cancer and prostate cancer. Many provincial and city-level research projects have been taken charge. On the aspect of clinic research, we are the first in Liaoning Province to undertake the research of tract orthotopic bladder replacement after cystectomy and won several Provincial and City-level Scientific and Technical Progress Rewards. The research on the mucus inhibition mechanism of tract orthotopic bladder replacement has gained a stage achievement.
3. Personnel Training Our department is the doctorate and master degrees cultivating units and has cultivated tens of masters and 7 doctors. Every year we recruit doctors who attend in an advanced studies and has trained plenty of cadremen for grass-root hospitals. Since 1998, our hospital holds a national medical continuing education project, which is the workshop of endoscope treatment of prostatic diseases and urinary tumors and trained hundreds of students all over the nation and praised highly by professions. In the recent decade, several doctors of our department researched and studied abroad and in domestic well-known hospital and set up long-term cooperative and communicative relationship, which promotes leaping development of our whole level.