您的位置:120健康网 > 科室 > 大连医科大学附属第二医院胸外科
我院胸外科自1987年我院回迁复建发展至今,已具备相当的规模和水平。目前拥有床位25张,注册医师7人,均为硕士以上学历。其中教授3人,副教授3人,硕士研究生导师2人。科室主任岳世昌,同时担任大连市胸外科学会主任委员,大连医科大学肺癌中心主任,在国内具有较高的知名度。 目前我科室每年完成各种胸部手术400例左右,其中肺癌、食管癌、纵隔肿瘤的手术占3/4。多年来科室致力于胸部肿瘤的治疗和科研,在胸部肿瘤的诊治方面达到国内一流水平,在国内外发表相关论文20余篇。双重袖状肺癌切除术,气管隆突切除重建术,颈、胸、腹三切口食管癌根治术,结肠代食管胸内吻合术,巨大纵隔肿瘤切除术等高难度手术达到国内先进水平。我科室与肿瘤内科、放疗科紧密合作,采用综合治疗手段,使得肺癌、食管癌等胸部恶性肿瘤的治疗效果越来越好。近年来,科室同时大力开展微创外科的发展,腋下小切口,不切断肋骨、肌肉的肌间隙切口,胸腔镜技术已成功用于气胸、纵隔肿瘤、肺癌等疾病的治疗。大大缩短患者住院时间,减轻患者的痛苦,为广大患者带来福音。 我科室同时承担本科生、硕士研究生的临床教学任务以及住院医师、进修医师培训任务,先后培养硕士研究生10余人,目前已成为各所在医院的骨干力量。 我胸外科全体医护人员秉承全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,以精湛的医疗技术为依托,以高度的责任心、热情周到的服务为保证,为广大人民群众医伤解痛。欢迎致电:0411-84671291-3142
The department of Thoracic surgery was founded in 1957, which has kept its leading position among hospitals in dalian city as well as in Liaoning province since it was established . At present it owns 30 clinic beds and has a staff of 7 doctors who all have the master degree, in which three persons are professor, three persons are vice-professor, and two of them are the tutor of master’s programs. Shichang Yue, the director of the department, is renowed thoracic surgeon in china, who is the chairman of the thoracic surgery in Dalian branch of China Medical Association, and the director of pulmonary carcinoma research center of Dalian Medical University. At present about 400 patients with chest disease were operated anually mainly include pulmonary carcinoma, esophagus carcinoma, and mediastinal tumor. 10 years ago, we concentrated our efforts on the research of chest tumor and we have reached first-rate level in chest tumor research and treatment in the homeland, and have announced more than 20 theses in home and abroad. In some highly difficult operations, such as bronchi pulmonary artery sleeve lobectomy,carinal resection and reconstruction,cervical thoracotomy abdominal three incisions esophagectomy,colonic interposition for esophageal substitution, large mediastinal tumor resection, we have reached advanced level in China. Our depatment is closely cooperated with departments of oncology and radiotherapy. After the application of comprehensive treatment, the prognosis of chest malignant tumor patients is becoming better, and survival rate after operation rises noticeably. In these years, we also carry out minimally invasive surgery energetically. Underarm small incision, muscle spare incision and the thoracoscope are applied successfully to the diseases including pneumothorax, mediastinal tumor and pulmonary carcinoma. This technology has some significantly advantages including shortening the hospitalization time, relief incision pain and bring glad tidings to patients. Our department, the training base of resident doctor, bears the teaching mission of bachelor and master programs, and fostered more than 10 masters successively who has been the backbone of their hospitals. All doctors and nurses of thoracic surgery department will serve the people wholeheartedly and thoughtfully. Relying on consummate medical technology and high sense of responsibility we will make great efforts to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.