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中西医结合康复治疗科是大连医科大学附属第二医院在大连市三级甲等医院中首家创立的。其专业技术力量雄厚,现有正、副教授12名,专职治疗师8人;其中具有博士、硕士学位6人,博士研究生导师1人,硕士研究生导师8人。中西医结合康复治疗科有国家自然科学基金2项、省市级科研课题6项。已完成的科研项目荣获省政府科技进步二等奖1项、三等奖2项、市政府科技进步三等奖1项、市医药科技进步二、三等奖各1项。 中西医结合康复治疗科病房设置床位22张,占地面积1800平方米。150平方米的训练大厅中,医院投资近百万元的进口康复训练器械,其在辽宁省乃至全国都是一流的。 中西医结合康复治疗科主要收治各种病因导致的偏瘫、截瘫、肢体功能障碍患者及各种慢性病、老年病患者。根据患者病情需要,医生、治疗师和护士共同组成康复治疗小组,制定近期及远期康复治疗方案, 有针对性的选择中西药物治疗、物理治疗(运动疗法、电疗、光疗和磁疗等)、作业治疗、语言治疗、心理治疗、中医传统疗法(针灸、穴位埋线、推拿、拔罐等)、高压氧治疗、康复护理等综合疗法,充分体现了现代康复医学与中国传统医学结合的优势。在治疗过程中,当患者病情出现特殊变化时,可以得到相关专科及时、有效的诊治,充分体现了三级甲等医院康复治疗科的优势。规范科学的康复治疗流程带来了良好的治疗和训练效果。 中西医结合康复治疗科门诊设中医、针灸、骨伤推拿、中药熏蒸、康复理疗及高压氧诊室,针对慢性病、疑难杂病开展特色治疗。 中西医结合康复治疗科的宗旨:将现代康复治疗技术与传统医学有机结合,最大限度恢复患者功能,提高生活质量,回归家庭,回归社会。
Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation Department
Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation Department set up by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University was the earliest among all the three-A level hospitals in Dalian. It has always been enjoying its strong technical expertise, with twelve associate professors and eight full-time therapists; among those there are six people with doctorate or master degree, one doctoral instructor and eight postgraduate instructors. Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation Department has taken up two National Natural Science Foundations, six provincial and municipal research projects. So far, it has completed one research project on scientific and technological progress and was awarded as second prize and two third prizes by provincial government, one third prize on scientific and technological progress awarded by the city government, one second and third prize both on municipal medical science and technology. Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine rehabilitation department is equipped with 22 beds, covering an area of 1800 square meters. The 150-square meter training hall invested by the hospital with nearly 100 million for the import rehabilitation equipments is of the first-rate in Liaoning province and even throughout the country. Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation department are primarily responsible for patients with paralysis, paraplegia, physical dysfunction, chronic diseases and aged patients due to various causative factors. In response to the needs of patients, rehabilitation group consisted of doctors, nurses, therapists work out short and long-term rehabilitation programs and select corresponding integrated treatments, such as Chinese and Western medical treatment, physical therapy (exercise therapy, electrotherapy, magnetic therapy and light therapy, etc.), occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological therapy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment (acupuncture, acupoint embedding, massage, cupping and so on), high-pressure oxygen treatment, and rehabilitation therapy, with fully reflects the advantages of integrating modern rehabilitation medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. In the course of treatment, timely and effective specialized diagnosis and treatment are available when patients are in unexpected conditions; it fully reflects the advantages of rehabilitation levels among three-A hospitals. Scientific and normative rehabilitation processes have brought good treatment and training effects. The out-patient department of Chinese and western medicine rehabilitation treatment include Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage bone-setting, fumigation medicine, physical therapy and rehabilitation hyperbaric oxygen clinic and characteristic treatment for chronic and miscellaneous diseases. Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine aims at organically integrating modern rehabilitation technology and traditional medicine to maximize the functional restoration of patients, improve the quality of life, return patients to family and the society.