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    (感染疾病科)暨传染病学教研室伴随着大连医科大学经历了更名、南迁及复建的过程,至今已有几十年的历史。在几代人的努力下,如今已成为大连医科大学唯一的传染病教学和临床基地。现具有独立的建筑及周围隔离带,内设门诊、病房和教研室。一楼为肝炎和肠道门诊,长年开放,按国家标准建立患者和职工分离通道,达到“七专七有”;二楼为病房和教研室,分设内外走廊和过渡间,便于隔离。病房有7个病室19张床位,每间病室带有卫生间,避免交叉感染。 传染科现有医生8人,护士11人。医生中教授、主任医师3人,副教授、副主任医师1人,主治医师2人,医师2人。每年诊治门诊患者13000余人,出院患者300余人。病种以病毒性肝炎、肝硬化为主,其他包括感染性腹泻、流行性腮腺炎、水痘、流行性出血热、流行性脑脊髓膜炎等疾病,另有少量不明原因感染,如发热待查等。 传染病学教研室承担医科大学七年制本硕连读、五年制本科、留学生、中山学院、成人教育、卫校等所有层次的传染病教学任务,全年授课800余学时。 多年来我们十分重视科学研究,特别是医院回迁复建之后,科研工作有了长足的发展。丙型肝炎病毒基因分型获辽宁省科研三等奖,Fas/FasL肝病患者检测及其临床意义获大连市二等奖,“十五”国家攻关课题(横向)输血后丙型肝炎与肝硬化规律的研究正在进行。参编国家规划教材7部;中标卫生部视听教材3项,CIA课件3项;新药临床观察2项。国内外发表学术论文30余篇,参加国际、国内学术会议20余人次。 在抗击“非典”、禽流感以及重大公共卫生事件中,我们永远冲锋在前。

    Department Introduction Department of infectious diseases also called infectious diseases section office.It has been decades of history as yet ,going with Dalian Medical University,renaming ,southing and rebuilding. Now it has become one and only infectious diseases teaching and clinical base in the efforts of several generations .It has been provided with unattached architecure and isolation ward and set out-patient department,sickroom and staff room.Hepatitis and intestinal out-patient clinic on the first floor opened all the year round.According to the national criterion, they have etablished segregative channels for patients and employees. Teaching and Research Section and the ward are on the second floor located inside and outside corridors and the transition.There are 7 wards and 19 ward beds.Every ward has its own toilet to avoid cross-infection. The department has 8 doctors and 11 nurses in all. There are 3 professors,1 associate professors,2 doctors in charge of case and 2 physicians. More than 13,000 patients will be made a diagnosis and give treatment in clinic and more then 300 will leave hospital every year. Viral hepatitis and heatocirrhosis are very common in out-patient clinic .And other diseases include infectious diarrhea , mumps , chickenpox , epidemic hemorrhagic fever and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. There are a small number of unexplained infections, such as fever of unknown origin. The department takes on the assignment of school teaching. For example undergraduate , master and adult education. School teaching throughout the year are more than 800 hours. Over the years we attach great importance to scientific research, in particular scientific research has grown by leaps and bounds after the rebuilding of hospital. Hepatitis C virus genotyping was third scientific research in Liaoning province. Examing Fas/Fasl in live patients was second scientific research in Dalian. We are investigating the “Fifteen -Year Plan”the relationship between post-transfusion hepatitis C and cirrhosis .We have participated in editing 7 national planning materials. About 30 domestic and foreign academic papers have been published. More than 20 people have participated in international and domestic academic conferences. In the fight against SARS and bird flu as well as major public health incidents, we are always in the former.





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