您的位置:120健康网 > 科室 > 大连医科大学附属第二医院核医学科
我科创建于1958年,经过几代核医学人的辛勤努力,现已成为设备先进、人才梯队合理、配套设备完善、工作场所布局及防护设施完整的集医、教、研为一体,以放射性核素显像、功能诊断及核素治疗为特色的综合性临床独立科室。科室现有医技护人员7人,其中高级职称2名,中级4名,初级1人。近年来科室共完成专业论文70余篇,协助完成多项科研课题。 科室拥有SPECT、甲状腺功能测定仪、γ放射免疫计数仪、低温大容量离心机、14C 幽门螺旋杆菌测定仪、井型探头及定标器等大中型仪器设备。 2003年初,医院引进了性能先进的美国GE公司生产的Millennium Hawkeye VG型双探头SPECT显像仪(单光子发射计算机断层显像仪)(配符合线路),是一种先进的功能和代谢性显像设备,可灵敏地反映疾病所致的组织功能改变,达到早期诊断的目的,较其他影像学方法发现病变早,灵敏度高。现主要开展了放射性核素全身骨显像,可比X-CT提早3-6个月诊断恶性肿瘤骨转移癌;早期诊断无菌性股骨头坏死等骨病。冠心病的早期诊断及心肌细胞活力测定。甲状腺肿物性质的判断;肾动态显像早期判断每个肾(分肾)的功能状态,远优越于肾盂造影和血清生化检测。…… 放射性核素功能检测方面,已经开展了甲状腺摄131碘率测定、甲状腺激素抑制试验及甲状腺过氯酸钾释放试验,以判断甲状腺的不同种疾病。体外检测方面我科曾开展过60余项放射免疫测定,为我院的临床和科研提供了巨大的帮助。 14C 幽门螺旋杆菌测定是检测胃幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp)感染的高灵敏、高准确性的方法,简单、快速、无创伤,25分钟可检测出结果;成为国际上公认的诊断Hp感染的“金标准”。 放射性核素治疗是我科传统优势项目,亦是国内开展放射性核素治疗最早的单位之一。采用放射性131碘方法已治愈了数千例甲状腺机能亢进亢症患者,并总结出了一套系统化个体化131I剂量的确定方法,结合常规治疗,达到最佳疗效。这种治疗方法成熟、简便,治愈率高,复发率低,、副作用小、安全可靠费用低,治愈率达到95%以上。 恶性肿瘤骨转移癌89锶(89Sr)治疗,可缓解患者的剧烈骨痛,恢复功能,提高患者的生活质量,有效率高达90%;运用放射性90锶(90Sr)治疗单纯性血管瘤、瘢痕疙瘩、慢性湿疹、神经性皮炎等皮肤性疾病;运用“云克”治疗甲亢性突眼和恶性肿瘤骨转移癌等。 核医学科每天都有专家门诊,均有丰富放射性核素治疗经验的老教授坐诊。 我科全体人员将本着“病人的健康、生命和满意高于一切”这一宗旨,竭诚为您服务! 在我们科,患者完成各种显像检查后30分钟内,发出显像报告结果。 科室负责人: 赵 明 联系电话: 0411--84694244; 84671291—2901. 地 址:大连市沙河口区中山路467号(星海三站、圣亚海洋世界对面)
Our department was founded in 1958. After tremendous efforts of several generations, the department has been built into a comprehensive and independent department with advanced equipment, reasonable layers of talents, perfection of auxiliary equipment, completion of pattern of worksite and protection facilities, integration of medicine, teaching and research and with the feature of radionuclide imaging, functional diagnosis and radionuclide therapy. There are now 7 doctors, nurses and technical staff in our department. Among them two persons are of senior professional title, four persons are of junior professional title and one of primary professional title. In recent years, our department has completed more than 70 professional articles and assisted in completion of a number of subjects of research. Our department now possesses big and middle type of instruments. Such as SPECT, radiotion measurement instrument of thyroid function, ?-radioimmunoassay counters, centrifuger with low-temperature and large volume, 14C-urea breath test(14C-UBT) detector with detecting Helicobacter pylori(Hp), well detector and counters. In early 2003, the hospital introduced the dual-detector single photon emmission tomography(SPECT)with coincidence detection manufactured by the US GE company, which is a kind of equipment of advanced function and metabolic imaging. It may sensitively reflect the functional change of the organization caused by disease and satisfy the purpose of early diagnosis. It is more sensitive and enables to find the lesions earlier than other imaging methods. Now we are mainly developing the bone scintigraphy of whole body, which may diagose the bone metastatic cancer earlier 3 to 6 months than X-CT and which may early diagnose avascular bone necrosis and evaluate bone viability and blood supply. Early diagosis of coronary artery disease and detection of myocardial viability. Early detection of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Early determination of functional status of renal parenchyma and upper urinary trace patency. For radionuclide functional examination, we have developped the thyroid 131I uptake test, thyroid suppression test and perchlorate discarge test to differentiate from thyroid diseases. Our department had provided tremendous help for the hospital′s clinic and scientific researches with doing In Vitro radioimmunoassay or immunoradiometric assay for more than 60 items. 14C-UBT is a high-sensitive, high-accuate method detecting Hp, which is simple, rapid, non-wounded and working out within 25 minutes. The method is openly known as “golden standard” for diagnosing Hp affect in the international. Radionuclide therapy is of traditional advantage in our department. We are one of the units of early using radionuclide treatment in our country. We have cured thousands of patients with hyperthyroidism. We also summarize a systematic and individual method of determinating 131I therapy doses and connect with common treatment to achieve the best effect. The method is ripe, simple, high cure rate, low recurrence rate, safe and low therapy fees. Cure rate is more than 95%. 89Sr internal irradiation therapy of bone metastases of malignant tumou can release patients′ severe bone pain, recruit function and provide patients′ life qualities. Effective rate is more than 90%. 90Sr can cure capillary hemangioma, keloid,chronic eczema, nuurodertitis and so on. 99Tc-MDP can cure bone metastases, rheumatoid arthritis and hyperthyroid ophthalmopathy. Our department opens specialist clinic where senior nuclear medicine professors of rich radionuclide treating experience will be at service. The staff of our department will be at your service in following the principle of “the health, life and satisfaction of the patients are higher than everything”. In our department, the imaging reports shall be worked out within 30 minutes after the completion of the imaging checking. Chief of the department: Zhao Ming Contact number: 0411-84694244 or 84671291 ext. 2901 Address: ZhongShan Road No.467 Shahekou Distract Dalian City