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皮肤性病科是一支具有丰富临床诊治经验和先进诊治设备的专业队伍,为“辽宁省重点学科”,大连市“一级医疗重点学科”,中西医结合皮肤病与性病学二级博士学位授权点,卫生部认定的“化妆品皮肤病诊断机构”(全国13家),“国家药物临床试验基地”, “省级住院医师规范化培训基地”,美国科医人公司在国内的“光子激光临床培训基地”(全国10家)。 科内现有医护及技术人员21人,医生13人,其中教授5人,副教授4人,医生中硕士、博士学历占80%。博士生导师1人,硕士生导师5人。黄畋教授(享受国务院特殊津贴)担任中国中西医结合学会变态反应学会副主任委员。涂彩霞教授为博士生导师,担任教研室主任兼科主任、孙令教授担任科副主任、硕士生导师,两人均为留日归国的业务骨干。科室负责人涂彩霞在色素性皮肤病、变态反应性皮肤病、激光美容等方面有较深的造诣,部分在国内、省内达到先进水平,在国家级核心期刊及国外期刊发表论文70余篇(其中SCI收录4篇),获国家教委、省政府、市政府科技进步奖七项,担任中华医学会辽宁医疗激光分会副主任委员,辽宁皮肤性病分会常委,中国中西医结合皮肤性病学会委员。 本科室近年来承担了包括国家自然科学基金、省科委、省教委、市科委等10余项课题,获科技进步奖7项,其中省部级4项,发表国家级论文 100余篇,SCI收录5篇。重点研究领域包括:皮肤与激光美容,化妆品皮肤病,白癜风、皮炎-湿疹、痤疮、银屑病、性病等疾病中西医结合治疗的临床与基础研究。科室引进美国、德国及法国大型先进设备7台,治疗血管性、色素性皮肤病、脱毛、光子嫩肤、皮肤磨削等。门诊设真菌及病理室、化妆品-过敏原检测室、激光美容室、皮肤外科治疗室、性病诊治室、白癜风表皮移植室、光疗及光动力治疗室等。 在教学方面,科里承担大连医科大学以及分院多层次教学任务。编写专著及教材10余部(其中主编2部、副主编2部),并获教学成果奖。
Survey of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University
The Department of dermatology and venereology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, a professional team equipped with rich clinical experience and advanced medical instruments, is a key discipline in medicine of Liaoning Province, a first level key specialty in clinical medicine of Dalian city, a department entitled to issue second level doctorate in dermatology and venereology of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, a “Cosmetic Dermatosis Diagnosis Agency” entitled by the Ministry of Health of People's Republic of China (among 13 nationwide), a “base of national drug clinical trials”, a “base of provincial level resident standardized training ”, and a “clinical laser training base ”of LUMENIS INC in China(among 10 nationwide). There are 21 faculty and staff in the department, among whom 5 are professors and 4 are associate professors, including one M.D. supervisor and 5 M.Med. supervisors. 80% doctors have a master or doctor education background. Professor Tian Huang, an expert entitled to Special State Council Allowance, is the Vice-chairman of Allergology Society, Association of Integrated Chinese-Westeren Medicine, China. Professor Caixia Tu, a M.D. supervisor, is the chairman of the department, and Professor Ling Sun , a M.Med. supervisor ,is the vice chairman of the department; they both are returned visiting scholars from Japan. Professor Caixia Tu is well versed in pigmentation disorders, allergic skin diseases and laser cosmetology, has published more than 70 papers on national grade core periodicals, among which 4 papers have been included in SCI, and has earned 7 items of progress prize in science and technology from the national educational committee, provincial government and city government. She is the vice chairman of the Committee of Liaoning Medical Laser Branch of Chinese Medical Associaition, member of standing committee of Liaoning Dermatovenereology Branch of Chinese Medical Associaition, and committee member of Dermatovenereology Branch of Chinese integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine Society. In the recent years, the Department has undertaken more than 10 scientific programs funded by National Natural Science Foundation, the Science Committee and Educational Committee of Liaoning Province, etc. 7 items of progress prize in science and technology have been awarded, among which 4 are on the levels of ministry or province. More than 100 papers have been published, among which 5 papers have been included in SCI. The key study fields are clinical and basic study on skin and laser cosmetology, cosmetic dermatoses, vitiligo, dermatitis and eczema, acne, psoriasis, and STDs, with integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. 7 good-sized advanced equipments have been introduced in from U.S.A., Germany and France. They are used for treating vascular and pigmentation dermatoses, skin rejuvenation, depilation, skin remolding, etc. There are laboratories of mycology and pathology, cosmetic allergen examination room, STD clinic, laser treatment room, skin surgery therapeutic room, vitiligo epidermic grafting room, phototherapy room,etc. The Department undertakes teaching tasks on various levels from Dalian Medical University and its Branches , and has been awarded several items of prize in teaching achievement. More than 10 monographs and teaching materials have been published, to 2 of which the department contributes chief-editors and to 2 associate editors.