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    我院耳鼻喉科创建于1949年,1968年南迁到遵义,1987年随医院回迁move back大连,现已连续12年遴选为大连市一级重点学科。03年辽宁省政府认定我科为大连市儿童听力障碍诊治中心,04年大连医科大学批准与大连理工大学共建了鼻科研究室nasal labratory ,05年建立了耳鼻喉科诊治中心和助听器验配中心(黃河路门诊,)06年建立了睡眠生理研究室。 科内配备国内先进的检查及治疗设备,美国、丹麦产电测听仪2套、声阻抗测听仪2套、耳声发射仪2套、电脑眼震电图仪、听觉脑干诱发电位仪,多频稳态诱发电位仪。鼻窦内窥镜及监视摄像系统、射频治疗仪4套、微波治疗仪6套、德国耳科手术显微镜、纤维喉镜、计算机和大连市仅有的鼻声反射仪、咽声反射仪、鼻阻力计等,并设有耳功能检查室2套。并设耳机能检查实验室。助听器验配室,鼻、喉内窥镜检查室,激光治疗室。 目前学科设有门诊两部,总院门诊占地500平方米,有专诊室2个,普通诊室3个,窥镜检查室2间,治疗室2间,耳功能检查室4间(包括脑干听觉诱发电位、耳声发射、中耳分析纯音测听室等), 门诊二部(黄河路耳鼻喉科诊治中心和助听器验配中心),占地600平方,设有专诊室2个,窥镜检查室1间,门诊手术室及术后观察室,综合治疗室,耳功能检查室,并设有助听器验配中心和儿童听力障碍诊治中心, 病房设 床位25张 ,分为耳科、鼻科、咽喉头颈科治疗组。 全科共有医师16人,其中教授6人,副教授6人,特聘教授2人,客座教授1人(博导),硕士学位14人, 博士学位2人,博士后 1人,科主任孙秀珍是大连市政府津贴获得者。 本学科自90年代 以来就紧密围绕先进新技术鼻内窥镜手术为主线,开展了鼻科疾病基础与临床研究,经鼻鼻腔泪囊造孔吻合术,鼻腔鼻窦良性肿瘤及早期恶性肿瘤切除术,晚期恶性肿瘤上颌骨扩大切除术等疑难疾病手术;开展各种鼓室成形术,在喉癌、下咽癌头颈肿瘤方面开展了保留喉功能 多种喉部分切除术,颈廓清术 及喉下咽食道全切除胃代食道重建术。开展OSAHS等常见和疑难疾病的机理及个性化干预方案的研究. 学科重视科研工作、加强科研工作,开展交叉学科特色研究,取得突破性进展,与大连理工大学共建了鼻科研究室,开展了上气道结构功能疾病相关问题的系列研究,步入本领域医学理论与多种学科交叉的“数字化”研究的轨道,获得了国家省市多项自然科学基金及新技术立项与资金资助,并取得了可喜的成果。 例如 ,省市级课题 “内窥镜鼻窦手术智能微型引流器的研制与应用”; 国家级课题“人体鼻腔结构与功能自适应生物模型”(05年国家自然科学基金 资助30万),实现了科室十五计划中 国家自然科学基金0的突破, “上气道解剖结构与鼾声识别的计算计机仿真研究”,(07年国家自然科学基金资助38万),, “人中耳生物力学模型及人工中耳的基础研究 ”, 09年国家自然科学基金资助45万,大连市新技术10余项。 硕士导师8人,大连理工大学特聘博士生联合指导教师1人。近年共培养研究生30余人 ,与大连理工大学联合培养博士5人。在国内外重要学术刊物发论文60余篇,获省市各种奖励20余项。由医疗为主发展为医疗科研型科室。

    Introduction of ENT Department the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University

    The ent dept of the 2nd affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university was founded in 1949, moved to Zunyi city of Guizhou province and then moved back to Dalian city in1987.The dept, the 1st class key subject of Dalian city for consecutive 12 years ,made a lot progress in the 20 years, especially in the latest 5 years, like the hearing disorders treatment center of Dalian city confirmed by the Liaoning province in 2003, the establishment of the nasal laboratory in coordination with the Dalian University of Technology in 2004, the foundation of the 2nd ENT treatment center and hearing aid fitting center located at he huanghe road in 2005 and the establishment of the sleep physiology laboratory in 2006. In the ENT dept , there are many advanced instruments and equipments for diagnosis and treatment. There are two hearing function analysis laboratories and one hearing aid fitting center, including two audiometers made in USA and Denmark, 2 immittances, 2 OAE, ENG, ABR , ASSR and so on. Furthermore, there is advanced operating microscope made in German for otologic surgery. Rhinologicaly, there are functional endoscopic sinus surgery system for not only diagnosis but also treatment before and after surgery, 4 microwaves and 6 radiotherapies for treatment. Exceptionally, there are rhinomanometer,acoustic rhinometer and acoustic pharyngealmeter for estimating the function of upper airway in Dalian. Laryngologically, there is a fibrolaryngoscope room. Furthermore, there is a laser therapy room. Nowadays, there are one ENT ward and two ENT clinics ,with the 1st clinic and ward located at the 2nd affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university and the 2nd one at the huanghe road of Shahekou district. The 1st clinic is 500 cm2 . There are two specialist rooms and 3 common clinic rooms. Besides, there are two endoscopic rooms, two treatment rooms, four hearing functional rooms( including ABR,OAE,Audiometer, and so on).The 2nd ENT clinic is 600 cm2. Besides the rooms and instruments as those mentioned above, the Outpatient Operating Room and postoperative observation ward are available there. Especially, there are still hearing aid fitting center and children hearing aid center. In ENT ward at 10th floor, there are 25 beds, with three treatment groups, including rhinology, otology, pharyngology and laryngology-head and neck surgery groups totally. There are sixteen physicians, including six professors, six associate professors, two inviting professors and one visiting professor and doctoral supervisor. Among the physicians, fourteen of them have mastership, two of them have doctorship and one of them have postdoctoral degree. And Sunxiuzhen, the department director, is awarded of the Government's Subsidy by the Dalian city. From the 90s of last century, the dept made a series of study and innovations. Rhinologically, with the development of functional endoscopic sinus surgery, study on basic and clinical aspects were carried at the same time. Fundamentally, the research on airflow of the upper airway were developed and a series of papers were published in journals in home and abroad. Clinically, endoscopic transnasal dacryocystorhinostomy, resection of the early malignant rhinosinus carcinoma and radical resection of the maxillary to treat advanced malignant maxillary sinus carcinoma were developed increasingly. Otologically, more advanced tympanoplasty technique were put into action. On head and neck surgery, to treat laryngeal carcinoma, hypopharyngeal carcinoma and head and neck neoplasms, to preserve the laryngeal function and the patient's living condition, kinds of partial laryngectomy and neck dissection surgery were developed, and even to the most advanced laryngeal carcinoma or hypopharyngeal carcinoma patient, laryngeal, hypopharyx and esophageal resection with replacement of esophagus by stomach were carried. Moreover, the thinking of personalized diagnostic and therapeutic scheme to different patient was being popular in the dept. We also have paid more attentions in science researches and made a breakthrough progress in an interdisciplinary study with Dalian University of Technology. We built a rhinologic lab together, developed a series study of structure and function of upper airway and their diseases. With the stepping into the fields of digital research on clinic and mutiscience, after we got financial aids of Natural Science Foundation from nation and province, favorable results have been achieved, such as a planning topic at provincial level “the study and applying of intelligent microdrainage in nasal endoscopic surgery”; a National Natural Science Foundation “the study of adapting biomechanic model in the structure and function of human nasal cavity”, “the computer simulation study of the anatomic structure of upper air way and the snore identified”, “the fundamental research in the biomechanic model of human middle ear and artificial middle ear”. The total fund is 1,280,000RMB Now we have 8 master tutors, 1 combined tutor of the doctoral candidates of the Dalian University of Technology. More than 30 postgraduates and 5 combined doctors have been developed. Nearly 60 papers were published in the main periodicals, 20 awards were obtained.





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