您的位置:120健康网 > 科室 > 大连医科大学附属第二医院器官移植中心
大连医科大学附属二院器官移植中心是以肝脏移植为主的重点科室。2001年底率先在大连开展了高难度肝脏移植手术,现已成功地完成了近百例肝脏移植手术(包括东北首例亲属间活体肝脏移植及二次肝脏移植手术)。肝脏移植手术成功率高达93%,术后患者最长已存活8年。在积极开展肝移植的同时,中心也成功完成了肾脏移植, 亲属间活体肾脏移植,胰肾联合移植及心脏移植等多项器官移植手术。大连医科大学附属二院器官移植中心是2004年辽宁省医学重点创新工程;2005年获辽宁省科技进步三等奖;2006年被选为辽宁省医学重点专科项目。中心现已形成一套完整的器官移植术前术后治疗及随访体系。在临床实践中,我中心做了大量的基础和科学研究工作,近百篇专业文章已在国内外杂志发表。我们中心将继续为提高患者生活质量及预后而不懈努力。
The Organ Transplant Center Of The Second Affiliated Hospital Of Dalian Medical University
The Organ Transplant Center Of the Second Affiliated Hospital Of Dalian Medical University is one of the famous centers in Northeast of China. Our Center is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary transplant center, which mainly offering liver transplants for both adults and children. During the past 8 years, hundreds of liver transplants were successfully performed, including the first living dinor liver transplant and retransplant in the Northeast of China. Parallel, a lot of patients including high-risk, extremely young and older recipients have received heart, kidney, kidney-pancreas, liver and multi-visceral transplantations with excellent patient survival rates. Therefore, our center already received many awards from state for our excellent jobs. The activities of the Clinics for Surgery and Medicine are complemented by several basic scientific research . More than 100 articles were published in our center. We continually search for ways to improve patient outcomes.