您的位置:120健康网 > 科室 > 大连医科大学附属第二医院药剂科
现有中、西药调剂室5个,药品库房3个,储备药品近2000种,年调配处方总量约160万张。为保证患者用药安全有效科内成立药品质量监控体系,从药品的入库验收、储存、维护、药检抽查等层层把关,保证了药品质量。近几年来,随医院计算机网络建设的逐步完善,整个药品供应和管理系统已全面实行计算机化,药剂科整体工作正着力于由“供应管理型”向以患者为中心,为病人提供优质药学服务的“服务型”转变。门诊药房呈柜台式发药,药师与病人面对面提供用药指导,还开设了药品咨询台,免费接待患者用药咨询。为了方便患者,在门诊楼内设零售药店“大连临海药房”,2006年被评为“大连市诚信示范药店”。 其他设有临床药学室、血药浓度监测室、药学讯息资料室、药剂实验室等。临床药学室开展的项目有血药浓度监测、药品不良反应监测、药物信息咨询、药物生物利用度研究等。目前开展环孢素、普乐可复、卡马西平、丙戊酸钠等血药浓度监测,年样本数逐年增加。开展处方点评和合理用药评价工作。主办药讯近30期,通过院内网“药学园地”分析存在的不合理用药问题以及发布最新的药学信息。重视药品不良反应监测工作,坚持临床报告和药师下临床核实的程序,保证上报的数量和质量。2003年开始培养临床药师4人,进入部分专科参与查房、病历讨论、病人随访,为病人建药历,进行病人用药教育,实施用药监护等,受到医生和患者的欢迎。 药学技术人员中副主任药师以上人员10人,主管药师26人。有硕士学位者8人,本科以上学历者24人,硕士生导师1人。承担大连医科大学药学院、成教学院等不同专业不同层次理论教学和带实习教学任务。承担硕士研究生培养工作,至2008年已毕业研究生4人,在读研究生2人。近年来,获得省市科技项目基金和企业项目基金资助多项,获辽宁省科技进步三等奖一项。科研方向主要集中在药代动力学、天然药物的指纹图谱、中药靶向制剂的制备和药效学的研究等几个方面。2000年以来开展新技术8项、撰写著作18部、发表论文203篇。
Introduction of the second affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university
pharmacy department There are five traditional chinese and western medicine dispensaries and three drug storehouses in which nearly 2000 kinds of drugs have been reserved. In addition, the amount of annual mixing prescriptions is approach to 160 million. To ensure the reasonable, safe and effective drug-use in patients, we established drug quality monitoring system, checking on the drug warehousing proving, storing, maintaining, testing and so on. In the last few years, with the hospital computer network improving gradually, computerized management of drug supplying and management systems have been carried out. We pay more attention to transform from “supply and management style” to “pharmaceutical service style”, which take patient as work center, so as to provide high-quailty pharmaceutical care. Outpatient pharmacy presents counter dispensing, and we provide medication guide face to face between pharmaceutists and patients. On the other hand, we supply drug consult to patients for free. For the convenience of patients, we set up a retail pharmacy, which is called “LinHai Pharmacy of DaLian” and was rewarded as “Honesty and Credit Demonstration Pharmacy of DaLian”. Besides, we also have clinical pharmacy department, blood concentration determination department, pharmaceutical information reference room, pharmaceutical laboratory. Some projects have been developed, such as blood concentration determination, adverse drug reaction monitoring, consultation of pharmaceutical information, bioavailability study and so on. Blood concentration determination has been carried out, involved ciclosporin, prograf, carbamazepine, valproate sodium. It is worth to say that the sample number is increasing year by year. Moreover, prescription and rational administration evaluation have been developped. We sponsor pharmaceutical information nearly 30 volumes. Through “pharmacy garden” of our hospital network, analyze condition of irrational administration, as well as emission new pharmaceutical information. Pay great attention to adverse drug reaction monitoring. After clinic report, pharmaceutist enter ward to verify. We have cultivated four clinical pharmacists since 2003, who participate ward round, case file discussion and follow-up, establish drug history of patients, develop patients education, make pharmaceutical care, welcomed widely by doctors and patients. We have a strong pharmaceutist team, including 10 associate chief pharmacists and 26 responsible pharmacist, meanwhile, 8 masters and 24 graduates, 1 professor. We undertake teaching work, including clinical practice task between different levels students from pharmacy college of Daian Medical University and Adult Education College. Simultaneously, we also engage in post-graduates training work, 2 postgraduate students and 4 graduations until 2008.The research direction is main concentrated on pharmacokinetics, fingerprint spectrum of natural medicine, preparation and pharmacodynamics of targeted drug delivery system for traditional Chinese medicine. Based on these, we have made great achievements, obtained financial assistance from province, city and business technology project foundation, awarded third prize of LiaoNing province technology improvement award, gained 8 new techniques, published 18 works and 203 papers since 2000.