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    近5年来,SICU年平均收治外科危重病人约500例,为复杂、危重手术的开展提供充分保障,外科危重病人抢救成功率达到93% 。SICU是我院综合实力的窗口之一。



    2).获奖情况: 原位肝移植术后氧动力学最优化管理 广东省医药卫生科学技术进步二等奖 1999年。 肝移植术后管理 广东省科学技术进步三等奖 2000年。

    氧气、压缩空气及负压中央管道系统。美国HP(惠普)中央监护系统(含互联网监护资料即时显示)。HP 1165A多功能监护仪8台(心电,有创及无创血压及压力监测,脉搏及氧饱和度监测。血气及电解质分析,呼出气体二氧化碳监测,心排血量监测等)。呼吸机8台。(德国西门子300,900型,成人星,NBP 840,7200,Drager Evita4, Ohmeda呼吸机等。)HP心电监护除颤仪。床边X光机。胃肠粘膜CO2张力与pHi测定仪。纤维支气管镜。床边连续血液净化系统。超短波理疗仪。冰毯降温系统

    Department of Surgical Intensive Care Unit

    1. General Introduction
    Surgical Intensive Care Unit(SICU) of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences was founded in 1992, as one of five ICU training bases directly funded by Ministry of Health P.R.China, and one of the earliest ICUs devoting in care of critical patients of general surgery. Now the department has 8 doctors and 23 nurses, including one vice professor(Director: Guan Xiangdong); 4 senior lecturers (Chen Juan [vice director], Ouyang Bin, Chen Minying, ZhangSheng); 3 residents(Li Lifen, Yi Huimin, Li Zhongzhen); 1charge nurse (Head nurse: Liu Xiaoying); 7primary nurses (Wang Yuexiu, He Liyi, Li Caiyun, Zhong Amin, Li Xuebing, Kuang Yanhua, Lu Deyou) and 15 nurses. 6 doctors have taken or been enrolling in the Ph.D or master of medicine. A portion of doctors have studied in USA and Hongkong. Now there are still 2 doctors studying in USA. In the resent 3 years, there are 5 graduated students majoring in intensive care medicine in our department. And today, SICU is the unit of vice chief committee member of the Cantonese Critical Committee of the Chinese Socialty of Medicine.
    2. Medical services
    In the resent 5 years, there is an average of 500 surgical critical patients every year treated in SICU, which ensures the implement of complicated and critical operations. The survival rate is 93%. SICU embodied the integrated strength of our hospital. . Medical service range: Care for surgical critical patients, which include patients with surgical instability, complicated with important organs dysfunction, those who need nutrition support and anti-infection therapy, as well as care of patients after organ transplantation. The patients were given intensive, dynamic and accurate surveillance and prompt, efficient treatment. We are on the top in the practical field of airway care and mechanical ventilation, continuous renal replacement treatment(CRRT), hemodynamics, oxygen metabolism, acute severe pancreatitis and the application of new theory of liver transplantation.
    3. Research
    1) main research: ARDS, oxygen metabolism of critical patients, CRRT, care after OLT, assessment of critical patients, nosocomial infection, and related research of series of teaching soft ware in intensive care medicine.
    2) Awards:
    The Optimal Values of Oxygen Dynamics after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation.
    Awarded Cantonese Medical Science and Technology Progress. 1999
    Intensive Care After Liver Transplantation. Awarded Cantonese Science and Technology Progress. 2000
    4. Devices
    Monitoring beds: eight.
    Oxygen, compressed air and negative pressure central canal system. USA HP central monitor system(consist of immediately internet display of monitoring data ). 8 HP 1165A multi-function monitors(EKG, invasive and non-invasive BP and pressure monitor, pulse and SpO2 monitor. ABG and electrolure analysis, end tidal CO2, and cardiac output, etc). 8 ventilators(Simens 300A, 900, Adult Star, NBP840, 7200, Drager Evita 4, Ohmeda ventilator). HP defibrillator, Bedside X-Ray machine, gastro-intestinal tonometer, fiber optic bronchoscope, CRRT, machine for physical therapy of ultrashort wave, and ice carpet used for decreasing body temperature.

    主 任:管向东
    副主任:陈娟   欧阳彬
    副高人员:杨春华  欧阳彬  





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