您的位置:120健康网 > 科室 > 福建省肿瘤医院放射诊断科
1、 一般摄片:头颅、胸、腹部平片、脊柱、四肢、乳突、副鼻窦的摄片。
2、 造影检查:消化道造影检查(食管胃肠透视、结肠造影检查等)、静脉路肾盂造影检查、逆行性尿路造影检查以及特殊部位造影检查。
3、 DR摄片:胸部、四肢、头颅的数字摄影。
4、 乳腺摄片:常规乳腺摄片、乳腺导管造影。
1、 全身各部位的CT扫描、如头颅、面颈部、胸部、腹部(肝、肾、胰、盆腔)等处的CT检查。
2、 CT定位与穿刺:在CT下进行放疗定位或适形照射定位、CT引导下穿刺活检。
3、 MDCT的后处理:可以进行各种后处理,如:MPR、CTA、CTVE、CTU等项目。
1、 全身各部位的MRI检查:如头颅、颈面部、胸部、腹部(肝、胰、肾、盆腔),MRI有系列的后处理及成像功能,如MRS、MRA、MRCP、MRU等等。
I.Routine X-ray diagnosis
1. Fluoroscopy and radiography examination:fluoroscopy for thoracic-abdominal organs and radiography for thoracic-abdomen,skull,spine,four limbs and special for mastoid,paranasal sinus.
2. Contrast examination: contrast examination for digestive tract (fluoroscopy for esophagus and gastrointestine,contrast for colon ect.),intravenous renal pelvis,retrograde urography and special sites.
3. DR:digital radiography for thoracic organs,four limbs and skull.
4. Radiography for mamma: routine radiography for mamma and contrast examination for mammary dusts.
II. CT examination
1.CT examination: head ,neck, thorax (lungs, mediastinum),abdomen(liver, kidney, pancreas, pelvic cavity), ect.
2.CT guided stereotaxy, aspiration biopsy and X-ray knife radiotherapy stereotaxy.
3. Image postprocessing:Such as : MPR,CTA,CTVE,CTU ect.
III.MR examination
MRI examination: head & neck ,thorax(lung, mediastinum),abdomen(liver, kidney, pancreas,pelvic cavity), MRI Image postprocessing and functional image ect.
IV Intervention radiology:
The department develops angiography examination for many arteries,such as abdominal artery,superior/inferior mesenteric artery,kidney artery and internal iliac artery,and intervention therapy for tumors of liver(primary or secondary liver cancers),uterus or digestive tract.