Department of VIP Dental Service, a part of Hospital of Stomatology,is a leading dental service department in Guangzhou, delivering highquality and affordable dental care to people all over in Canton. This Centreis located at 572 Dongfeng Rd and equipped with the advanced dental facilities in the world. All dentists are specialists in their majors, and good at communicating in Chinese and English as well. Our dedicated staff strives to provide a high quality dental service to our patients in Endodontics, eriodontics, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Implant as shown as following. For inquiry, please call us at 86-20-83878836 or visit our website:
中山大学光华口腔医学院附属口腔医院特诊中心,是广州市内技术设备最先进、医疗质量最过硬的口腔诊室。本中心位于东风东路 572号,具有国际一流的牙科治疗设备和器材,拥有一支中英文交流熟练的口腔医学各科专家队伍。本中心竭诚为患者提供包括牙体牙髓学、牙周病学、口腔修复学、口腔正畸学、儿童牙科学、口腔预防学、口腔外科学、口腔粘膜病学和口腔种植学等方面高质量的一条龙式的诊疗服务。
Elegant Surroundings in Centre
You will feel time flying by enjoying coffee or Chinese tea while you are waiting in an elegant area.
Modern Dental Units
Modern dental chair places you in a comfortable and relaxed mood when you are given a dental service in our centre.